The Center for Student Involvement offers these guidelines and ideas to help clubs run at their maximum potential.
Center for Student Involvement
The Center for Student Involvement exists to provide an environment where students are actively involved in 赌钱app可以微信提现's co-curricular life. The CSI is the home of 赌钱app可以微信提现's more than 80 campus organizations and works to oversee and staff the Student Lounge and Campus Center.
The CSI is equipped with work and storage space for organizations, graphic design software with color printing, a spacious conference room, a relaxing lounge area, and a friendly staff actively working to facilitate networking between students. The CSI serves as home base for Student Senate, the Quiz Bowl, and the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Golden Girls Dance teams. It also features the campus' only meditation room, where students, faculty, and staff can come to refocus.
Location: GEB 117
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Phone: 913.469.7657
Web pages: In the Campus Life section, under Student Life & Leadership
Facebook: 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student Life
Instagram: 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student Life
Events Calendar: Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现 -> Events
Mya Lawrence
Manager of Student Life & Leadership Development
Mandy Tudor
Lead Student Involvement Ambassador
Aya Danley
Multicultural Student Involvement Ambassador
Nellie Schuckman
Administrative Assistant
Jonika Jenkins
Multicultural Student Involvement Ambassador
If you have any questions regarding clubs and organizations, especially topics not covered in this manual, please contact the Center for Student Involvement.
Policies, Guidelines, and Regulations
Inter-Club Council strives to provide an open means of communication for student organizations and advisors to share information and help each other with similar projects. Inter-Club Council is led by the Student Senate Vice-President, the Student Involvement Ambassador from the Center for Student Involvement, and two Student Senators.
Events planned may include community service projects, student organization fairs, advisor appreciation efforts, and social gatherings at the college. At least one representative from each student organization is strongly encouraged to participate.
*Inter-Club Council meets every first Friday of the month during the fall and spring semesters in MTC 212**
For information on Inter-Club Council, contact the Center for Student Involvement or Student Involvement Ambassador.
Student organizations are defined as groups of at least 10 members who have applied and been approved by the Student Senate. All members must be currently enrolled in classes at 赌钱app可以微信提现 and in good standing at the time of recognition.
In order to gain recognition as a student organization at 赌钱app可以微信提现, the following requirements must be met:
- Be not-for-profit in nature.
- Comply with the college’s policy of nondiscrimination in recruitment and retention of members.
- Acquire at least one advisor from 赌钱app可以微信提现 faculty or professional staff who is willing to take on the responsibility of the student organization on a volunteer basis.
- Submit a completed New Organization Registration on Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现.
- After being called to attend a Student Senate meeting, have a representative present the new organization’s purpose, benefit to campus, fundraising, and event plans at the Student Senate General Assembly Meeting (Mondays at noon in MTC 211).
- Be approved by the Student Senate.
All members of student organizations are expected to conduct themselves as responsible members of the 赌钱app可以微信提现 community, whether on or off campus; to respect the rights of others; and abide by the Student Code of Conduct, as well as local, state, and federal laws.
Contact the CSI with any questions.
Adapted from the Boston College Student organization Handbook
A student organization advisor is a vital part of an organization. The advisor is there to assist all members in the organization, provide history and continuity for the organization, motivate all members, and introduce ideas and perspectives to keep the organization moving in a positive direction. The student organization advisor’s goal is to cultivate student enthusiasm and initiative while tempering it with a practical knowledge of the possibilities or seeking the institution’s input if unsure.
- Providing continuity with the history and tradition of previous years
- Helping the organization understand College policies and procedures
- Arbitrating intra-group disputes
- Keeping the organization focused on its goals
- Teaching the techniques and responsibilities of leadership, fellowship, and self-discipline
- Coaching the officers in the principles of group organizational and administrative practice
- Developing procedures and plans for action
- Introducing new programming ideas
- Providing opportunities for the use of classroom skills where appropriate
- Extending the insights of their experiences and prior knowledge
- Acting as a resource person for acquiring outside speakers and activities for the organization
Teaching/Coaching:- Pointing out new perspectives and directions, assisting in developing insight into problems, coaching individuals in their duties as discussion leaders and/or officers, identifying and developing potential new leaders, and assisting in upholding the standards of a collegiate-level organization.
- Consultation on Programs: Keeping abreast of projects or events and offering ideas freely without dominating program planning.
- Provision of Continuity: Informing officers of the organization’s history and past programs and their outcomes.
- Interpretation of Policy: Informing the officers of policies, why the policies exist, and the channels to be followed to obtain exceptions or revisions.
- Supervision: Attending all organizational events and meetings.
- Meeting Emergencies: Lending assistance if called upon by the organization or the College if an emergency should arise.
- Financial Supervision: Assisting the organization and helping it be successful at staying aware of the nature, extent, and pattern of expenditures and income.
- Organizational Records: Encouraging the officers to maintain adequate rosters, records, and minutes of all club activities.
- Information Updates: Obtaining any corrections or changes within the structure of the organization and making sure this information is shared with the Center for Student Involvement.
Responsibilities of 赌钱app可以微信提现 student organization advisors
- Attend all scheduled functions, events and meetings planned by the student organization.
- Accompany the student organization in all off-campus travel.
- Assist the student organization in developing sound accounting procedures conducive to college policies.
- Communicate regularly with members and as needed with Center for Student Involvement personnel.
- Offer constructive criticism and guidance and uphold 赌钱app可以微信提现’s policies and procedures in the student organization. Please notify the Center for Student Involvement immediately if the student organization’s actions or the behavior of individual members is contrary to its general statement of purpose, violates the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student Code of Conduct, or a program that is not approved by you.
- Assist the student organization in fulfilling its statement of purpose and goals.
- Work with officers to uphold the policies, procedures, and best practices of 赌钱app可以微信提现.
- Via Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现.
- Update regularly.
- Encourage the members to operate within the framework approved by the Student Senate.
- Act in a consulting and advising capacity with final decisions made by a majority vote of the student organization’s members.
- Keep an organization membership roster and provide member and officer updates to the Center for Student Involvement as requested:
- Encourage the student organization members to use the Center for Student Involvement as a resource.
- Approve all necessary paperwork required for room scheduling, hosting events and/or fundraisers, etc. via Get Involved @赌钱app可以微信提现 or requested from CSI or Student Life.
- Report any incidents that may be Clery Act violations or allegations of criminal activity (murder, manslaughter, sexual offenses, robbery, assault, burglary, theft, arson, dating or domestic violence, stalking, hate crimes, alcohol or drug violations, and illegal weapons possession) to 赌钱app可以微信提现 Campus Police, the Assistant Dean of Student Life and Leadership Development, the Dean of Success and Student Services, or KOPS-Watch (
- All club advisors are considered Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) while serving in their capacity as an advisor. CSAs are required to complete annual training via Vector Solutions, accessible through My赌钱app可以微信提现.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is my role as a Campus Security Authority?
Campus Security Authorities report allegations of crime (attempted and completed), made in good faith (not false or baseless), via the 赌钱app可以微信提现 established reporting structure. The role of a Campus Security Authority is vital to campus safety and compliance. This role is distinct from any additional obligations that you may have as a Mandatory Reporter under 赌钱app可以微信提现 policies and procedures relating to discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, including Title IX sexual harassment.
What is the 赌钱app可以微信提现 established reporting structure?
Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking must be reported to a Title IX Coordinator. If any CSA (including Police) receives a report of one of these incidents, it will be forwarded to a Title IX Coordinator. Report all other types of incidents to the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Campus Police Department or via the KOPS-Watch ( online reporting system.
What if I need to notify someone immediately about a sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, or stalking and it is after hours?
Report the incident immediately to 赌钱app可以微信提现 Police Dispatch at 913-469-2500. Dispatch will document your information and it will be assessed for a Campus Crime Alert. The information and details you provide to Dispatch will be forwarded to the Police and a Title IX Coordinator.
A student reports to me that he was assaulted on his way home from a party off campus. Should this be reported for Clery?
Yes. While CSAs need to have a general understanding of the College’s Clery geography, you are not expected to evaluate whether a crime is Clery-reportable or not; you are just expected to report the incident and pertinent facts as soon as possible. The incident will be evaluated by the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Campus Police Department, and others, as appropriate, to ascertain whether the incident is Clery-reportable and whether a Campus Crime Alert should be issued.
How do I make a report?
- Anytime: Campus Security Authority
- Business hours: phone 赌钱app可以微信提现 Campus Police - 913-469-2500 or 913-469-8500, ext. 4111
- After hours: phone 赌钱app可以微信提现 Campus Police - 913-469-2500
(Please identify yourself as a Campus Security Authority or required reporter and let them know what you are reporting and if you need a police response or not).
Do I need to investigate to make sure a crime actually occurred?
No investigation is required by Campus Security Authorities. An incident is “reportable” when it’s brought to your attention. The incident can be reported by anyone, including a third party, witness, victim, or perpetrator.
Can the reporting party remain anonymous?
- No, if reporting a sexual assault, domestic or dating violence or stalking. At minimum, the Title IX Coordinator must be provided with the reporting party information. The Title IX Coordinator will then evaluate requests for anonymity/confidentiality in accordance with applicable procedures.
- Yes, if reporting anything else.
What key facts must I gather to meet Clery compliance?
- WHAT happened (the type of crime or a description of the incident).
- WHERE it happened (necessary to determine if the crime falls into a Clery geographic area).
- WHEN it happened (helps prevent duplicates in the case of multiple reports from different sources).
(If you are unable to obtain all of the facts, please report the information you have.)
Why is the location of the crime so important?
The location is what determines if a crime will be counted as a Clery statistic in the College’s Annual Security Report. Regardless of who the reporting party or victim is (student, employee or a third party), if the crime did not occur within Clery geography, it’s not reported as a Clery statistic. However, even if you think a crime report did not occur on the College’s Clery geography, the College asks that you report it.
Do I have to determine if the crime or the location is Clery-reportable?
No. The 赌钱app可以微信提现 Police Department will classify the crime and evaluate the location, based on the information that you provide.
Do I need to memorize the types of Clery crimes or the Clery-reportable geography?
No. However, it is important that you understand and are familiar with what types of crimes and what locations or situations are Clery-reportable and include this information in your reports to ensure the incident is property evaluated. Please reference your CSA training materials for detailed information on Clery-reportable crimes and geography.
What are some examples of Campus Security Authorities at 赌钱app可以微信提现?
- Anyone with significant responsibility for students or campus activities (i.e., athletic coaches and assistant coaches, study abroad, program deans and directors, site managers)
- Faculty Advisors responsible for students outside of the classroom
- Employees who, by virtue of their job function, have significant responsibility for assisting students or campus activities and are in a position in which they may learn of a crime (i.e., 赌钱app可以微信提现 Police Department Personnel, Deans of Student Success and Services and Student Life)
What is the list of Clery-reportable Crimes?
The College is required to disclose statistics for the following offenses that occur on campus, or in non- campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the university, and public property within or immediately adjacent to campus.
- Murder
- Manslaughter by Negligence
- Sexual Offenses (rape, fondling, statutory rape, incest)
- Robbery
- Aggravated Assault
- Burglary
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Arson
- Dating Violence
- Domestic Violence
- Stalking
- Hate/Bias Crimes
- Liquor Law Violations
- Drug Violations
- Weapon Law Violations
At the start of each academic year each organization must complete the Re-Registration process through Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现. This process allows the CSI staff to contact your organization’s leadership and to promote your organization to prospective members. Re-registration is a requirement for your organization to retain active status.
To be recognized as an active student organization, each club must have a minimum of 10 members, have an advisor, and hold regular meeting times throughout the school year. If the student organization misses one of the above components, it becomes inactive. The Center for Student Involvement is here to help your organization avoid inactive status.
To help determine whether your student organization is active, the CSI asks that all student organizations submit a Student Organization Update Form. Not only does this provide us with current information, but it also allows us to reach out to your organization if help is needed. The information on the form is used to create mailing lists and update information, including co-curricular transcripts and CSI publicity, and the website listing of all active student organizations – a great way to get your student organization exposed to incoming and current 赌钱app可以微信提现 students!
When a student organization does not submit an update form, it can affect the group in several ways. When organizations do not maintain communication with the CSI, the office may believe the group is inactive and remove it from publicity. The group’s eligibility to receive Student Senate funding can also be impacted, as the Student Senate Constitution states:
Student organization Qualifications. A completed packet must be submitted to the Vice President for verification with the Manager of Student Life and Leadership Development. A new student organization requires a minimum of one Faculty/Staff advisor for operation. A new student organization must have at least ten (10) signatures of 赌钱app可以微信提现 students as prospective members to be recognized. Student organization update forms are to be turned in to the Center for Student Involvement each year to remain active. Each student organization must be non-profit in nature, and all funds made through fundraising must go to the student organization or college agency account. Each student organization must send a representative for each funding request for discussion in the General Assembly and Budget Committee meetings. Any dispute of a club or organization’s validity will be resolved by the Inter-Club and Activities Council Committee. A student organization may only request funds from Student Senate after being an active organization on campus for one calendar year from date of initiation. Failure to maintain an "active" status will result in an organization being ineligible to receive Senate funding.
Active status is defined as follows: an organization will provide a yearly update for primary and alternate contact information to the Manager of Student Life and Leadership Development. Additionally, a reinstated organization may request funds from Student Senate following a six-month period of reinstatement at the discretion of the Student Senate Budget Committee. To be considered for funding, the reinstated organization must display active involvement on campus, as well as maintain similar values and purpose as the original body. (Senate Constitution, Article VI: Student organizations, p. 9)
If your organization advisor leaves the institution or chooses to step down as your advisor, the CSI can help you reach out to faculty and staff interested in serving as an advisor. However, it is the club’s responsibility to secure an advisor. Please notify the CSI as soon as possible if you need assistance with finding a new advisor or co-advisor.
If your organization’s membership falls below 10 students, the CSI can provide guidance on recruiting new members. Additional ideas for recruiting and retaining members can be found in the resources section of this handbook. You are also encouraged to consult with the Manager of Student Life and Leadership Development for further suggestions.
Once a student organization is approved, the Center for Student Involvement will be able to help with the following:
- Reservations for the use of all campus classrooms, facilities and resources are handled through the Center for Student Involvement. Your student organization can schedule meeting rooms up to one semester in advance.
- Reserve table(s) located on the 2nd floor of the Commons building for events such as recruiting new members, fundraising, sharing/distributing information, event advertising, etc.
- Fundraising information is available by contacting the Center for Student Involvement.
- Contact the CSI to request the use of a cash box for fundraising purposes. As the Student Life Department has a limited number, you are strongly encouraged to make reservations as far in advance as possible. The standard cash limit for the cash box is $30.
- Travel policies. Prior to departure, please contact the Center for Student Involvement for instructions regarding student travel and the required forms. As representatives of 赌钱app可以微信提现, students must follow the Student Code of Conduct.
- Student organizations may use the photocopier, black and white and color printers in the Center for Student Involvement. For multiple color copies or specialty documents, student organizations will need to submit a Printing Services request to the CSI for the copies needed. Please allow 2-3 business days, depending on the type of work requested.
- Supplies for publicity and promotion are offered to clubs and organizations to advertise for recruitment, events, and other special occasions. Available supplies include paper for flyers and banners, whiteboards, markers, Cricut machine, glue, scissors, etc.
- The CSI offers shared workspaces and storage spaces for student organizations. Space is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
- All promotional flyers or posters should be sent to the Center for Student Involvement to be reviewed, printed, and posted on designated bulletin boards. 30 posters per event are allowed and Student Life will remove any outdated or non-approved posters.
- There is a button-making machine in the Center for Student Involvement office (GEB 117) available for use during regular office hours.
- Advertisements and sales on campus must be limited to fundraising activities, that directly benefit the student organization, college, or a college division. Fundraising for personal use or gain is prohibited. Food sales must receive prior approval from Dining Services. The Assistant Dean of Student Life and Leadership Development must approve all campus advertising and sales. Approved vendors are permitted on campus subject to Student Life policy.
- Help and ideas for how to boost organization membership and retention. The Manager of Student Life and Leadership Development is always available to meet with your organization to discuss ways in which you can increase membership and keep members.
- Inclusion on the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student organization website Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现 and promotional brochures and handouts for the Center for Student Involvement.
- The Center for Student Involvement is available for use during business hours (Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
- Student organizations will be held responsible for damage to college property and for any damage to the campus and/or the Center for Student Involvement. In the cases where damage cannot be pinpointed to an individual or an organization, the cost for damages will be divided among all student organizations occupying the space.
- Student organizations must always maintain a clean and orderly space to ensure safety. All spaces must be cleaned by the last day of final exams. Failure to do so will result in the items being disposed of and the student organization being charged for cleaning. Food items consumed in the Center for Student Involvement should be properly disposed of.
- All club executive boards and officers are requested to complete the "Sexual Violence Prevention for Community College Students" training. This training is mandatory annually and anytime a new officer assumes a leadership position.
- It is illegal to store drugs, alcohol, weapons, and chemicals/flammables of any sort in the storage cabinets. In addition, Student organizations may not store food in these spaces.
- Allocated storage space may not be transferred to any other Student organization or be set aside for personal use. Previous occupancy does not guarantee retention or future allocation of the storage space.
- Every student organization member utilizing the CSI is expected to comply with these policies. Failure by any member to abide by these conditions may result in the loss of storage space for the student organization.
- Abide by the Student Code of Conduct.
- Comply with the college’s policy of nondiscrimination in recruitment and retention of members.
A major aspect of clubs and organizations is hosting regular meetings. The meetings can range from discussing business and preparing for events to playing games or hosting team builders. Hosting regular meetings is important for several reasons:
- Meetings help provide consistency and stability for members by giving them a regular outlet in which to meet.
- Meetings help with recruitment and retention efforts, as your members and prospective members know where and when to find you.
- The Senate looks at regular meetings as one component when determining funding requests.
To schedule meetings, your organization must submit their events through “Create Event” via Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现. Requests must be made with the CSI, so we can help your organization by promoting your meetings. The earlier you submit the request, the more likely you are to get the room of your choice.
You can find the Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现 Event Request Navigation here.
Like events, staffing a table in the Commons is a great way for your student organization to reach out to more students on campus. Tables can be used to host fundraisers, promote an upcoming event, or recruit members.
Due to the limited number of available tables, the tabling request should be submitted at least two weeks in advance via Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现. If you are doing a fundraiser at your table, you must indicate this in your event form at the same time. If you request a specific table, please note that requests are honored on a first-come, first-served basis.
Student organizations are welcome to host organizations and groups unaffiliated with 赌钱app可以微信提现. A sign indicating which group is sponsoring the organization or group will be placed on the table the day of the event. Also noted on the sign should contain be the following statement: “赌钱app可以微信提现 clubs/organizations and third-party organizations at 赌钱app可以微信提现 Tables are fully and solely responsible for all actions/transactions and views expressed.”
Any time money is collected, two members of your organization must be present, and a cash box used. More detailed instructions regarding collecting funds can be found in the Fundraising section of this manual.
Student Trip and Travel Operating Procedure
Cross-Reference: Student Trip and Travel Policy 318.08
Applicability: This Operating Procedure applies to Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) Student Travel.
Purpose: The purpose of this Operating Procedure is to set out the process required for Student Travel.
“Student Travel” means travel by individual students, student groups, and 赌钱app可以微信提现 employees or agents traveling with students (1) that is sponsored or approved by Student Life and Leadership or International Education or (2) that is on behalf of, or with the financial support of, the College and is overnight, outside a 50-mile radius of 赌钱app可以微信提现’s main campus or involves a 赌钱app可以微信提现 vehicle or rental vehicle.
- Students participating in domestic Student Travel must be accompanied by at least one 赌钱app可以微信提现 employee or agent acting as the event sponsor or advisor (“Event Sponsor”) per twelve students. Students participating in international Student Travel must be accompanied by at least two Event Sponsors regardless of the number of students. 赌钱app可以微信提现 will view the Event Sponsor as the party responsible for the trip, and the Event Sponsor must be designated as a Campus Security Authority required by the Jeanne Clery Crime Statistics Act for the duration of the trip.
- The Event Sponsor will comply with the Reimbursement of Travel Expenses Policy 216.01Same Day Travel Operating Procedure 216.02Overnight Travel Operating Procedure216.03, and any other College travel policies and procedures.
- It is the responsibility of participants in Student Travel to familiarize themselves with the laws, regulations, and customs and to obey the laws of each location they visit during Student For students participating in study abroad programs at foreign institutions, it is the responsibility of those students to familiarize themselves with the foreign institution’s code of conduct and policies.
- The Event Sponsor and students participating in Student Travel must complete and file all paperwork and documentation as required by Student Life and Leadership or International Education, as applicable, and the Office of Mission Continuity and Risk Management before departure for any Student Travel.
- Prior to departure, the Event Sponsors must meet with those students traveling to discuss the planned itinerary, behavioral expectations, and transportation details. Each student must be presented with a copy of the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student Code of Conduct, emphasizing that students traveling on a 赌钱app可以微信提现-sponsored trip are subject to the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Code of Conduct as if they were on campus.
- Students and the Event Sponsors must complete any training required by Student Life and Leadership or International Education prior to departure.
- Event Sponsors and participants whose primary role at 赌钱app可以微信提现 is as an employee shall not lodge in the same room with participants whose primary role at 赌钱app可以微信提现 is as a student, unless they are immediate relatives.
- Students found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct by a dean in Student Success and Engagement or designee will be subject to appropriate interim or disciplinary action, and any associated costs (e.g., flights, ground transportation, accommodations, meals, etc.) to return home will be at the student’s expense.
- Student Travel outside of the United States will require additional approval by appropriate College budget administrators.
- College administration may cancel travel or parts of the planned itinerary for any reason it deems necessary, including but not limited to inclement weather conditions, travel advisories, emergencies, infectious disease outbreaks, or funding or budget-related
- No person may accompany an Event Sponsor or participant unless that person is a
- Exceptions to this Operating Procedure may be made by the approval of a dean over Student Life and Leadership or designee or a dean over International Education or designee, as applicable, and a director over the Office of Mission Continuity and Risk Management.
Signature on File in Policy Office
Date of Adoption: 02/16/2012
Revised: 07/15/2021, 12/15/2022, 03/21/2024
Steps for Requesting Club Travel:
When traveling on behalf of or using funds from 赌钱app可以微信提现, whether local or long distance, individuals and organizations must follow the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student Trip/Travel Policy. To make sure that your organization is staying in line with college policy, the Center for Student Involvement can assist you in navigating the travel process, helping reduce the stress involved by taking some of the work out of your hands. If you have any questions regarding travel, please contact the CSI.
We encourage you to plan your trip as early as possible so that vehicle requests, hotel reservations, registrations, etc., can be made early and without additional fees incurred by your organization.
- Request as an event via Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现
- helps inform the CSI and for data/reporting/historical information.
- Advisor will put in a Concur Travel Request - information-and-procedures/
a) Advisors will need to list all of the students traveling, if multiple advisors are traveling all need to submit a travel request separately however only one advisor will list the students on their request. - Those traveling fill out the travel packet and turn into Student Life Office, COM 100 no later than 2 weeks prior to travelling.
- Student Life will verify:
- All students are 18 – if underage see attached form
- All students are
- All students have taken the Title IX
- All students traveling must complete the Title IX training.
- The advisor will book and pay for all travel accommodations on their travel card and will reconcile all expenses once they return from their trip via Concur.
- For help:
- Student Life
- Accounts Payable
- For help:
- Funding:
*While each trip is different, please keep the following process in mind as you plan your trip: Will you rent a vehicle or have shuttle transportation? If you are flying, how much do the flights cost? What is the cost of tickets/registration/hotel rooms? Do you have enough money in your Agency Account, or will you need to request funds from Student Senate? Will students need to pay out of pocket for a portion of the costs?- Club Fundraising
- Student Senate Funding Request Form for current Year – Can fund up to 70% of the trip cost not to exceed $4,000.
- If you are requesting funds from Student Senate, submit your paperwork as soon as possible since Senate Budget Requests are processed on a first-come, first- served basis.
- Cultural Funding Request Form – MPAC typically funds $250 per event, can fund more upon approval from the Multicultural Programming Advisory Council
- Student Life has funds, if needed.
- Individuals pay for a portion of their travel.
- Request as an event via Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现
Additional Resources:
- Vehicle Request – To request a van for travel email -
- Driver Training – All individuals who drive on behalf of 赌钱app可以微信提现 must complete this training - If you have any questions, contact Sandra Warner.
- Travel Card Application — Each advisor who travels with a club will need a Travel Card, you can find the application for that card at
- Student Club Agency Account (9131 accounts): These are funds raised by the club, for club use only, and are brokered through the School.
- Student Senate Club Funding: Annually, the Student Senate allocates $38,000 for clubs to request. Clubs may receive up to $8,000 per year and a maximum of $4,000 per initiative.
- Additional Funding Needs: For needs beyond these sources, contact the Manager of Student Life and Leadership, Mya Lawrence.
Using Available Funding:
- Student Club Agency Account:
- For supplies and materials, contact CSI Administrative Assistance, Nellie
- For off-campus travel and events, advisors must obtain a travel card to charge expenses. Prior review of Accounts Payable policies and procedures is Consult with the CSI for any questions.
- Personal funds should not be used for club purchases without prior approval, as reimbursement is not guaranteed.
Student Senate and Other 赌钱app可以微信提现 Funding:
- These funds are not transferred to the Student Club Agency
- The CSI will handle all purchases of supplies and materials for
- For off-campus travel and events, the same procedure with the travel card applies as with the Student Club Agency Account.
Gift Cards:
- The use of gift cards is Explore other options before deciding to purchase gift cards.
- If gift cards are deemed the best option for event supplies, written approval from the Manager of Student Life and Leadership is required.
- Gift cards may not be used as compensation for
- Appropriate uses for gift cards include prizes or as a thank you gift for a
- Recipients of gift cards are subject to taxes, and their names must be submitted to the CSI after issuance.
Food Purchases:
- Clubs may not purchase outside food for events or meetings without approval from the CSI, who will coordinate with 赌钱app可以微信提现 Dining Services.
- Food receipts submitted for reimbursement are not guaranteed to be
- Funds provided to clubs from school funding may not be used to donate to an outside organization, including if a presenter requests a donation in lieu of compensation.
Additional Financial Resources:
- 赌钱app可以微信提现 Policies and Procedures regarding purchasing can be found online here
- Information regarding Travel Card procedures can be found on InfoHub here - For additional help with processing requests and reports in Concur, please contact the Student Life Office or the Center for Student Involvement.
Fundraising: Money Matters
- To fundraise on campus, you must be a currently registered 赌钱app可以微信提现 student organization in good standing and receive approval from the Center for Student
- Money collected from fundraisers can be spent on programming and operational expenses for your organization. Examples include catering for events, awards, conference fees (including lodging and transportation). Money cannot be used for personal gain.
- If you are co-sponsoring a fundraising activity with another student organization, both groups must sign off on the application and other paperwork if
- If you are hosting a table to collect donations or to hold an activity such as a bake sale, you must submit the event through “Create Event” via Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现.
- If you are hosting a fundraising event, you must submit an event request through “Create Event” via Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现.
- Cash boxes and credit card machines will be provided for collecting funds during a club fundraiser. Payment apps such as Cash App and PayPal are not permitted. The CSI will arrange for a cash box and credit card machine to be picked up from the Bursar’s Office before the event and returned Two club members must be present when collecting and returning the funds to the Bursar’s Office, as well as during the sale.
- An online payment link can be set up for pre-orders, ticket sales, and other transactions before an event. Please contact the CSI for details on how to create a link for your event on Shop赌钱app可以微信提现 requests must be submitted at least two weeks before the event.
- Chance Drawings: While the state of Kansas allows non-profit organizations to host raffles, student organizations are not considered by the state to be non-profit. Clubs are encouraged to host a chance drawing Any club seeking to host a chance drawing should indicate this on the event request form via Get Involved @赌钱app可以微信提现.
- All fundraising activities should comply with licensing and tax laws, state, and federal laws, and 赌钱app可以微信提现 and campus Permission shall not be granted to sell products or services that conflict with 赌钱app可以微信提现 policies.
- Please note that fundraising events cannot include the sale of licensed merchandise (i.e., Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and items not intended for resale) without express permission from the license holder or advanced sales on merchandise, such as catalog orders. All food sales must receive approval from Catering.
- The use of motion pictures in a fund-raising event is subject to all applicable copyright It is a violation of the law to show a film in public without the explicit permission of the film’s copyright owner. This includes renting or purchasing a film, as that does not include permission to show the film in public. When showing motion pictures, the sponsoring organization must demonstrate that it has permission to do so. For additional details regarding copyrights, see page 33 of this manual.
- Check requests will be handled through the Student Life Office. Check requests, reimbursements, etc., require the signature of the student organization advisor and the Assistant Dean of Student Life and Leadership Development. When requesting a check, please allow one to two weeks for The forms can be obtained from the Student Life Office, COM 100. The Student Life Office may be reached at 913-469-3410.
- All expenditures must be supported with original invoices or original itemized sales receipts. Reimbursements – whether for fundraising or general club activities – may only be reimbursed for inventoriable items. An individual cannot be reimbursed with club funds for an event or activity not coordinated with the Examples of items that cannot be reimbursed include individual ingredients or components used to make an item, such as ingredients for food, beads and strings for jewelry, yarn, or fabric for clothing, etc. Funds are reimbursed according to 赌钱app可以微信提现 Business Office policies.
- The Foundation Office must be contacted prior to asking for donations for the gift to be tax-deductible. Working with the Foundation Office will help expedite raising money to benefit 赌钱app可以微信提现 or your Student organization.
- For questions regarding fundraising, contact the Center for Student Involvement in GEB 117 or by calling 913-469-7657.
Fundraising: Chance Drawings
Chance Drawings
Recognized and approved 赌钱app可以微信提现 student groups may conduct chance drawings to promote their sponsored activities and request donations, with the approval of the Office of Student Life.
Operating procedures for chance drawings, including approvals, scheduling, cash handling, and reporting, can be found below. All chance drawings must conform to Johnson County Community College policies and State of Kansas Statutes.
Chance Drawing Definition
In a chance drawing, each participant receives one ticket, each ticket provides an equal chance to win a prize, and the winner is determined by a random drawing. Tickets cannot be sold, because that would make the drawing a raffle and, under Kansas law, student organizations are not eligible non-profit organizations to be allowed to conduct raffles.
Student organizations may request a donation in connection with a chance drawing and may suggest an amount for the donation but may not require any donation to receive a ticket.
Chance drawings must include the option for an individual to receive a ticket without donating. Every person who participates must have an equal chance of winning regardless of whether they donate and regardless of how much they donate, so each person may receive only one ticket. No additional tickets may be given for higher donation amounts.
Student organizations may not give chance drawing tickets to people who pay admission to attend an event, because that is charging money for the ticket. Chance drawing tickets may be given to every person who attends an event if there is no admission charge for the event. A donation may be requested in connection with the event but cannot be required. Also, chance drawing tickets may not be given out with the purchase of an item, even if tickets are offered to others who do not purchase the item. Any sale must be separate from any chance drawing.
Chance Drawing Procedures
All chance drawings conducted by student organizations or other 赌钱app可以微信提现 entities must be approved through 赌钱app可以微信提现’s Office of Student Life to ensure that they follow college policies and state requirements.
Each chance drawing must have a Designated Organizer. The Designated Organizer must be a student organization advisor or member of the 赌钱app可以微信提现 faculty or staff. The Designated Organizer should be the person who completes the Chance Drawing Application and Financial Report and works with the Center for Student Involvement to produce chance drawing tickets, and any other items needed for the drawing. The Designated Organizer will be the person who selects the winner(s) of the chance drawing. If the drawing is canceled, the Designated Organizer is responsible for contacting each person who donated to offer to return the donation.
Tickets may not be offered anywhere other than the approved location(s) provided on the application. Students may not harass members of the campus community to participate in the chance drawing. If an organization is hosting a table to offer tickets, an event request through “Create Event” via Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现 must be submitted.
Advertising of approved chance drawings must be in accordance with college posting rules. Chance drawings may be advertised through approved posting methods (Policy 318.03). Postal mail may not be used to advertise chance drawings or to distribute tickets. All advertisements must state that no purchase or donation is necessary to participate.
Chance drawings must follow 赌钱app可以微信提现 cash handling procedures. Donations can only be collected at scheduled Commons tables or at an on-campus event scheduled and approved through the Center for Student Involvement. A cash box or cash bag obtained from the Student Life Office must be used to collect donations. Tickets may be offered through Shop赌钱app可以微信提现, with the assistance of The Center for Student Involvement. No price will be set on Shop赌钱app可以微信提现 because the tickets are not being sold, but a suggested donation amount (or range) may be listed. The posting must have instructions for how an individual can receive a ticket without donating.
All donations must be submitted along with the cash box to the Student Life Office for deposit into the organization’s designated agency account. Organizations will receive a receipt for the amount deposited into the account.
Donations collected from chance drawings may be spent on programming, operational expenses, scholarships, or donations to other non-profit organizations. Student organizations may not use chance drawings to raise funds for an individual person.
The Center for Student Involvement will generate all tickets for chance drawings. The tickets must include the following:
- name of the organization hosting the drawing
- the words “Chance Drawing”
- date, time and location of the drawing
- statement indicating if the participant must be present to win
- unique sequential ID number on the ticket and stub
- a statement that no purchase or donation is necessary to participate
All drawings must be held in public and be conducted by the Designated Organizer. All prizes must be awarded. If a winner does not claim the prize by the stated time, the Designated Organizer will redraw a ticket to award the prize.
Prizes may not include any item prohibited in campus policy (e.g., alcohol, tobacco products, etc.)
If the prize is a cash prize, the Designated Organizer must work with the Student Life Office in COM 100 to request a check utilizing official college procedures. The winner must fill out all applicable tax and college forms before the check request.
Following the chance drawing, the Designated Organizer must provide a financial report, including a list of all persons winning prizes and the prizes received. The financial report must be submitted to the Center for Student Involvement within ten business days of the drawing's conclusion.
Advisors and executive members of the sponsoring organization are not eligible to enter the drawing.
The Office of Student Life reserves the right to deny any application for chance drawing due to any of the following: failure to complete an application in a timely manner; failure to comply with legal or college requirements; failure to provide a financial report for a previous chance drawing; failure to name a Designated Organizer; or if the chance drawing would duplicate, impede, confuse or overlap with any other drawings previously approved.
For questions regarding chance drawings, contact the Center for Student Involvement in GEB 117 or by calling 913-469-7657.
Fundraising: Crowdfunding
赌钱app可以微信提现 student organizations have a new opportunity to raise funds for events and activities through the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Foundation and the designated crowdfunding platform. Unlike most crowdfunding programs, Everyday Hero @赌钱app可以微信提现 gives participating organizations 100 percent of the funds raised.
Crowdfunding should be used by organizations seeking to raise substantial amounts for a specific initiative. Typical campaigns raise between $5,000 and $25,000. Interested student organizations should have a large group who are willing to work on the campaign, which can run for up to 2 months. The designated platform will coach each organization through the process, from interview to launch. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the Manager of Student Life and Leadership Development.
To be eligible to participate in a crowdfunding campaign, student organizations must meet the following criteria:
- Have a specific initiative in which the student organization is fundraising, such as trips to conferences or competitions, hosting campus speakers, etc.
- Seeking to raise a minimum of $2,500 toward the event or activity
- Have a minimum of 10 people who are willing to work on the campaign (workers will be sorted into 5 teams: manager, content writing, video production, recruitment, marketing)
- Be willing to commit 8-10 weeks to working on the campaign
Fundraising: Bake Sales
JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Insurance & Risk Management Bake/Food Sale and Potluck – Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Bake / Food Sales
Bake / Food Sales are an effective way for college recognized groups and organizations to earn money to support their initiatives. However, Bake/Food Sales may present health safety concerns if basic food safety/sanitary guidelines are not met.
Bake / Food Sales do not require a county and/or state food service permit but do require prior 赌钱app可以微信提现 approval. Student clubs and organizations are to secure prior approval through Student Life & Leadership. Bake / Food Sales participants should be familiar with and follow basic food safety guidelines such as those provided by the Kansas Department of Agriculture.
The following guidelines must be agreed to and adhered to by all bake sale participants
- The sales organizer will compile a list of all contributors to the sale that includes the name and contact information of each contributor and the type(s) of food they donate/provide. This Bake Sale Items Form must be turned into the CSI immediately following the bake sale.
- Only individuals directly associated with the student club/organization or employee group will provide items for the bake / food sale.
- All food ingredients must be pure, wholesome, and free from contamination.
- Sale items are limited to shelf stable food (e.g., no cheesecakes, custards, or other items that require time and temperature control).
- Preparation may be completed in a home-type kitchen, and the preparer must maintain appropriate sanitary conditions throughout the preparation, packaging, and transportation of the items.
- Individuals conducting the baking and/or wrapping, or sale of food shall thoroughly wash their hands before handling food items. During the sale, no bare hand contact with food items is permitted.
- During the sale, there must be at least two people working at the table. One to handle cash and one to handle food.
- Each bake sale item should be individually wrapped at the original point of preparation by using cellophane wrap or zip-lock baggies. Commercially prepared items must remain in their original, un-opened packaging. Re-packaging may only occur at the Bake Sale table using proper food handling procedures. Tin foil, pouch type sandwich bags and the like should not be used.
- Bake sale items should be securely covered during transport to campus. The vehicle(s) used to transport food should also be clean and maintained in good sanitary condition.
- Signage at the Bake Sale must include the statement “Homemade Food Items. Allergens may be present.”
Student organizations can request funds from Student Senate and the Center for Student Involvement to supplement funds raised by the organization. Student Senate funds can be used to support conference attendance, hosting events, and other activities related to the stated purpose and goals of the organization. Funds from the CSI can be used to help fund events related to diversity.
Student Senate Funding Request:
- A student organization will be eligible to request funds one year after the Senate has approved Reinstated student organizations will be eligible to request funds six months after it has been reapproved by the Senate. The Student Senate Funding Requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Student organizations can request up to $4,000 per event/activity and $8,000 per school year. Student organizations must fund at least 30 percent of the total cost of the event/activity.
- Submit the Student Senate Funding Request form through Get Involved, along with any supporting Once the request is received, the Student Senate will invite a member of your student organization to attend a Student Senate Budget Committee meeting. During the meeting, the representative will answer questions about the request, which will then be reviewed by the Budget Committee, led by the Student Senate Treasurer. If approved, the Budget Committee will recommend the allotted funds. The request will then be forwarded to the Student Senate General Assembly for a final vote.
- Once approved, the expenditures must be incurred during the current fiscal year (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025), and all Senate-funded expenses must be paid by June 30, 2025. The expenses provided by Student Senate cannot pay for taxes on any items/activities. Note that paying taxes is the student organization's responsibility.
Cultural Event Funding Request
- To be considered for funding, the event should benefit the students of Johnson County Community College; have an educational focus; be aimed at creating an inclusive campus and understanding of different cultures; advance multicultural issues through academic, cultural and/or social means; have a long-term continuous impact on the campus community; be free or discounted to 赌钱app可以微信提现 students; and be open to the public.
- Cultural Event Funding Requests must be turned in at least one month prior to the event. The Multicultural Programming Council reviews all proposals on a first-come, first-served basis. The council will provide funding up to $250 per event, with the opportunity to provide more funds if approved by the council. The council has a budget of $6,000/academic year.
Events are a great way for organizations to promote themselves to students. Events can range from friendly get-togethers and competitions to educational and multicultural presentations. If you would like help organizing an event, contact the Center for Student Involvement. If your organization is interested in hosting an event, make sure to follow the guidelines below:
- Identify what type of event you would like to host. What are your goals and expected outcomes? Who is your target audience?
- Set your date, time, and location and include alternates in the event the originals don’t work for others in your group, your speaker, or the location isn’t available. If your event is happening outside, plan a rain date or a rain location. Confirm that the date(s) work for your advisor(s). Advisor(s) must be present at all organizational events.
- Once you have confirmed a date, time, and location that works, fill out an event request through “Create Event” via Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现. Event requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event; for large-scale events, a request must be submitted at least one month in advance.
- If you are seeking additional funds from Student Senate to support your budget, submit a Student Senate Funding Request form to the Center for Student Involvement. The form must be turned in well in advance of your event, as the Senate addresses the requests on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Set your event timeline, listing what will need to occur from the time you begin setting up for the event to the time you begin tearing down after the event. Assign roles to your members to help relieve the burden of doing it all yourself.
- Once the CSI has approved the event request, make sure to publicize your event in a variety of ways – make flyers, table tents, banners, Facebook invitations, etc. Remember that all printed publicity will need to be approved by the CSI prior to posting. See the Publicity section of this page for more information.
- Please note that all advertisements for events must include the following disclaimer: “The views/opinions of this event do not necessarily represent the views/opinions of 赌钱app可以微信提现.”
- Two days prior to the event, confirm that everything is still ready to go – speakers, members’ roles, equipment is reserved, etc.
- On the day of the event, make sure everyone is where he/she needs to be and is doing the task(s) assigned.
- After the event, do an evaluation to determine what worked, what did not work, etc. This is especially helpful if you are planning to host the event again in the future.
Off Campus Events:
- Off-campus events are defined as any club and organization event or endeavor that takes place off-campus but within a 50-mile radius of 赌钱app可以微信提现’s main campus.
- Approval for off-campus events follows the same process as on-campus events.
Event Funding/Costs
- Supplies and materials for off-campus events must be purchased through the Center for Student Involvement (CSI).
- Any in-activity costs, such as food or tickets, should be purchased ahead of time via the CSI. If this is not possible, the advisor accompanying the event may make the purchase on their travel card.
Contracts or Agreements:
- Advisors should not sign contracts or agreements for locations. Any agreements should be turned into the CSI, which will then work with Procurement to execute the agreement.
- In line with board policy, 赌钱app可以微信提现 does not pay deposits to businesses. If a deposit is required, communication with the CSI is necessary.
Printing is among the amenities offered for clubs and organizations in the Center for Student Involvement. The CSI features black and white and color printers for clubs to print off up to 30 copies of flyers and other club-related information. We stock color paper, labels, art supplies, and a Circuit machine that students can use to help with club business.
The Student Involvement Ambassador, Administrative Assistant, or Manager of Student Life and Leadership Development must approve all club and organization flyers. The CSI staff reserves the right to deny advertisements that feature inappropriate content, lack of information, copyrighted materials without permission, and any other concerns.
Please keep the following information in mind when creating and distributing flyers:
- Flyers for events will not be approved before the event request has been approved.
- All flyers and posters must bear the name of the sponsoring organization.
- All club and organization publications and event advertising will need to be marked as follows:
- For general club information: “The views/opinions of this organization do not necessarily represent the views/opinions of 赌钱app可以微信提现.”
- For events: “The views/opinions of this event do not necessarily represent the views/opinions of 赌钱app可以微信提现.”
- Flyers to be posted on bulletin boards around 赌钱app可以微信提现 can be up to 11 x 17 inches in size.
- Following approval, the CSI staff will request copies from Document Services if needed.
- After the request is placed, the organization’s flyers will be delivered to the CSI. Up to 30 can be left with CSI for posting on bulletin boards throughout campus, with the other amount distributed manually by the organization.
- Please note: Flyers cannot be handed out in any building unless the organization has reserved a table through the Center for Student Involvement.
When having food at your student organization meetings and/or events, it is important to be aware of the 赌钱app可以微信提现 policy regarding food. The 赌钱app可以微信提现 Food Policy covers all food items, except those traditionally sold during bake sales (i.e., cupcakes, cookies, rice crispy treats).
赌钱app可以微信提现 Dining Services is responsible for providing all food service in public spaces at the college.
Any other arrangement for the provision of food service at the college must be authorized by the manager of Dining Services. Exemptions to the policy may be granted on an individual event basis if the following conditions are met:
1. Donated Food
Exceptions to the policy may be granted in the case of donated items when open to the public if the following guidelines are followed:
- The food must be prepackaged
- The food must be stored at room temperature without spoilage, such as cookies and punch
- The activity is held outside the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Dining
- No admission is charged for the reception
2. Licensed Purveyors and Caterers
赌钱app可以微信提现 Dining Services has the right of first refusal when it comes to outside purveyors/caterers on campus. Exceptions to the policy may be granted in the case of the engagement of private, licensed purveyors or caterers if the following guidelines are followed:
- Private, licensed, insured caterers may be engaged only with the prior acknowledgement of the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Dining Services manager and only under circumstances as are deemed cost prohibitive by 赌钱app可以微信提现 Dining Services or for any other compelling reason.
- Private, licensed caterers may donate food only with the approval of 赌钱app可以微信提现 Dining Services manager.
3. Food Left Over from Catered Events
Food ordered but not consumed at a catering function cannot be removed from the building/room where it was scheduled to be served. This policy is standard for the catering industry for the following reasons:
- Liability: Dining Services is responsible for the safety of all the food it prepares and serves. Food that is mishandled is very susceptible to food-borne illness. Food items must be properly chilled, stored, heated, and served.
- Cost: If additional labor and equipment would be required to package, label, store and issue these products to customers a cost would be assessed.
When your Student organization would like to order food for an event, please include the following information in your event request through “Create Event” via Get Involved @ 赌钱app可以微信提现.
If you would like to order food for a meeting, please indicate this on the event request form and include the following information:
- Estimated number of attendees
- A specific time you want catering to be set
- Menu requests (Please request any special dietary meals in advance. We are prepared to accommodate low-fat, diabetic, gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan meals.)
- Any specifics on the setup – linen requests, floral, special requirements, room arrangements, etc.
Please note that all food orders must be made at least two weeks in advance. If limited notice is given, a late fee will be charged to your student organization by Catering. If there are any changes to an existing order, they must be made 72 hours prior to the event. Student organizations must use the CSI to order food; please do not contact Catering directly.
Drafted & Approved 2017/06/20 Departments or organization sponsoring “closed” potluck events may provide their own food if all the following criteria are met.
- Potluck is defined as members providing their own individually prepared food, which is to be consumed by those in attendance of such an event.
- The activity is only for department/organization.
- The activity is held outside the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Dining Service.
- No admission is charged.
- There should be no general campus advertising of the potluck.
- Food preparers should be prepared to answer any questions regarding food preparation and all ingredients.
- Food preparers should be aware of and provide necessary temperature control for food items needing it.
- Open flames (candles, sterno cans, etc.) are not allowed.
The CSI has a popcorn machine available for Student organizations to use at events or meetings. A request to reserve the popcorn machine must be made at the time the Event or Table/Meeting Request is submitted to the CSI, and reservations are made on a first-come, first-serve basis. Prior to using the machine, CSI staff will train a member of your student organization on how to use and clean the machine, and instructions will be posted on how to return the machine after the event.
Please note that the popcorn provided by the CSI cannot be sold as part of fundraising efforts.
Political Activity at 赌钱app可以微信提现
Because 赌钱app可以微信提现 is supported by public funds, the college as a whole cannot support or endorse a candidate for public office or an election issue.
College policy 427.01, “Political Activities,” prohibits employees from using college time or property to promote, elect or defeat a candidate or election issue. However, student organizations that follow college guidelines may be involved in political activities on campus (such as: College Democrats, College Republicans, Student Senate, etc.).
Use of 赌钱app可以微信提现's name, letterhead, logo and/or resources (including college computing and information technology resources, including email) for partisan electoral purposes such as solicitation of funds or other contributions in support of a political party or candidates, endorsement of candidates for public office or advocating a position with regard to a public issue (other than an authorized spokesperson on behalf of the college) is strictly prohibited.
Candidates on Campus
As a publicly supported institution, 赌钱app可以微信提现 welcomes to campus any candidate running for office during a political campaign. However, the candidates’ desire to reach potential voters must be balanced against the students’ ability to pursue their studies without distraction. Additionally, candidates will not be invited to participate in 赌钱app可以微信提现 events (such as a commencement ceremony or building dedications) during an election year when other candidates running against them would be excluded. Political office holders and candidates will not be introduced or recognized on campus unless they are attending a formal campus event.
Classrooms: 赌钱app可以微信提现 professors or staff members may invite a candidate to visit a class or organization to make a presentation, but the candidate should do so with the understanding that he or she is not to campaign during the visit and should be vigilant and cognizant of the need for neutrality and fairness in seeking classroom visitors.
Facilities: 赌钱app可以微信提现 facilities may not be used for political fundraising events for candidates or parties, nor may 赌钱app可以微信提现 facilities be made available to the community for the purpose of holding political meetings that interfere with 赌钱app可以微信提现 activities. All 赌钱app可以微信提现 facilities rentals are subject to guidelines, requirements, and restrictions administered by the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Scheduling Office.
Literature Distribution: Candidates wishing to talk with students, faculty and staff during a campaign may request to have a table in the public area of the Commons building. From there, the candidate may distribute campaign material in the public areas on campus — namely the Food Court and cafeteria in the Commons, the first floor of the Student Center and the exterior central courtyard. Candidates may not visit areas where students work with Student Services or Learner Engagement personnel, such as the Success Center, or areas where students are involved in educational activities, such as classrooms, the library or computer labs.
Each candidate may have a table for one day during the campaign. Contact the office of Student Life and Leadership Development, 913-469-8500, ext. 3410, to arrange for a table.
Placing notices in or on parked cars in campus parking lots is prohibited.
From 赌钱app可以微信提现 Copyright Librarian Mark Swails:
Do not use images that may, in any way, deprive the owner of something they can sell (including imager licensing rights) or could negatively affect the brand or reputation owner.
- No cover images from games, movies, TV shows, books, etc.
- No “spokes-characters” for a particular company, e.g., Mario or Mickey Mouse
- No logos, slogans or trademarks
- Limit the number of characters present on any one poster to one or two
- Include a disclaimer, when appropriate, that the production company does not endorse or support the event.
- Use Creative Commons images from sites such as Flickr, Photobucket or Creation Swap – be sure to follow the instructions for usage by the content creator.
- Do not copy images or material to avoid purchasing it, i.e., images downloaded from proprietary image libraries or copyrighted marketing materials
- Do not use images in a way the copyright owner might disagree with
- Do not sell the content
- Do not use content that has been locked or that the content owner has taken steps to control
As much as possible, use images that you own or that have been licensed for reuse. If you would like to proceed with using a proprietary image, you can either request permission or perform a Fair Use Risk Assessment. For other options, contact Mark Swails at or at 913- 469-8500, ext. 3773.
Any time a student organization has a meeting or event photographed, all participating students must have a signed media release on file. The Media Release authorizes the College to take photographs, motion pictures and/or audio recordings and for those media files to be used in promotional materials.
Prior to your event or meeting, it is recommended that all participants sign the Media Release form, which can be found in the Center for Student Involvement. Students under the age of 18 will need to have their parent or legal guardian sign the form as well. Once the form is complete, it can be submitted to the CSI or the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Copyright Librarian.
赌钱app可以微信提现-sponsored events or recognized 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student organizations only
- We will display 30 flyers on the Student Activities bulletin boards throughout campus for each group.
- Information will be stamped with the date that it is posted.
- Posters will not be hung up less than one week before the date of the event.
- Postings on bulletin boards, windows, walls or other places on campus without a stamp will be removed.
- Student Life performs poster runs at least once per If your information is time- sensitive, be sure to submit it as early as possible.
Off-campus events/publicity
- Student Activities bulletin boards are reserved solely for 赌钱app可以微信提现- sponsored events/publicity and student organizations.
- Off-campus organizations may bring 3 flyers to be posted on the community boards for up to 30 days.
Roommate/Housing Postings
- Postings for vacant apartments/houses that are for rent or for sale are permitted.
- NO posting for roommate situations. This information may be placed on the 赌钱app可以微信提现 website. For information, visit, and search roommates and rooms for rent, or contact the International and Immigrant Student Services office at (913) 469- 7680 or
- The preferred size for these postings is 5 x 11 inches. Postings can be no larger than 8.5 by 14 inches (legal size).
Another great way to market your club or stay in touch with your membership is through social media. There are many different platforms to choose from and many different ways in which you can use them to reach out to the 赌钱app可以微信提现 community. Whether you are looking to create a new social networking site or use your club’s existing sites, organizations must abide by the College’s policies and procedures regarding social media.
Social Media Policy 520.00
Johnson County Community College
Series: 500 Information Services
Section: Social Media
Cross-Reference: Social Media Guidelines Operating Procedure 520.01
Applicability: This Policy applies to all Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) students and employees.
Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to recognize the importance of Social Media as a communication and education tool.
“Social Media” refers to online internet communities used to share information in all forms. Social Media platforms include, but are not limited to, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Reddit, virtual worlds, blog hosting sites, and 赌钱app可以微信提现 listservs. The term “Social Media” is intended to be construed broadly to include any interactive communication technologies that may be used by 赌钱app可以微信提现 students and employees.
The College supports the use of Social Media at the College in accordance with the Social Media Guidelines Operating Procedure 520.01 and related guidance issued by the College. 赌钱app可以微信提现 students and employees must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and applicable College policies and operating procedures when using Social Media.
Revised: 08/15/2019, 11/18/2021, 03/21/2024
Branding and Naming
Check out this site and adopt some verbiage orgs/#naming
For social media and external club-controlled websites clubs must post: The views/opinions of this organization do not necessarily represent the views/opinions of 赌钱app可以微信提现.
For events: “The views/opinions of this event do not necessarily represent the views/opinions of 赌钱app可以微信提现.